
Lab protocols for the Lowe-Power lab (scroll down for table of contents Readme)

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Harvesting Tomato Xylem Sap by Root Pressure

Writing/Editing Credits: Tiffany Lowe-Power, Patrizia Ricca

This protocol assumes you have tomato plants (>3 weeks old) that have been grown in potting soil

Important physiology knowledge for sap harvesting


  1. Arrange collection tubes on wet ice.
    • For precise assays, 1x 1.5 ml microtube per plant – preferably spatially arranged to match plant arrangement. less mistakes
    • For course assays, collect sap from all plants from a condition into 15 ml or 50 ml conical.
  2. Detop each plant with a smooth, horizontal cut using a sharp razor blade.
    • Cut site: Cut at the cotyledon juncture for healthy / soil drench inoculated plants. Cut at the petiole wound for petiole-inoculated / mock inoculatd plants.
    • If you accidentally cut at an angle, make a fresh horizontal cut.
    • Switch to a new razor blade after 5 plants, but sterilize it for reuse for less sensitive protocols. Generally, it works well to stagger plants in batches of 5.
    • You may want to keep (and label) the aerial portion of the plant for subsequent dilution plating.
  3. Allow initial sap to pool on the stump for ~3 min. Blot away first-sap with kimwipe and rinse sap with dI H2O with a P200 pipette. Blot dry again. This washes plant-cell cytosolic contamination from the stump

  4. Collect sap for a uniform amount of time (e.g 30 min up to 2 h).
    • Just in case there turn out to be differences in sap composition… don’t let that variation confound your data. Record the sampling time in your experimental notes

Misc. notes