
Lab protocols for the Lowe-Power lab (scroll down for table of contents Readme)

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What to do if the power goes out at lab

Freezers - DO NOT OPEN

Do not open the freezer to check on contents. They are well-insulated. Opening the door will allow warm air to enter and heat up the contents. When the power went out to Hutchison hall in Dec 2021, the 275 ultralow freezer warmed by 1 degree C every 10-15 minutes.

If the ultralow freezer approaches -40C, it is time to put dry ice inside the freezer. Call ahead to grocery stores and see if they have dry ice. Twitter says Nugget often does. If Nugget does not: The lab will reimburse you (try to save receipt). If you lose the receipt, Tiffany will reimburse you.

Remember that dry ice is very cold. Do not handle without thick gloves (e.g. orange autoclave gloves or winter gloves)

Intend to buy enough dry ice to pack the freezer full of dry ice.

If we add dry ice, we should wait 2-3 days after it all sublimates in order to remove anything from the freezer. The CO2 will enter the headspace of the tubes. This is fine if they are frozen. If they thaw, it will dissolve and lower the pH (potentially past the buffering capacity of the liquid)

Protect equipment from Electrical surges

When power resumes in a research building, there can be a few seconds of unpredictable electricity (current? voltage? amperage?). This power surge can damage the electronics in our $$ equipment. If the power is out in the building and it is safe to do so, we should unplug all equipment.

This includes fridges/freezers, but only unplug those if you are certain you will be present if power returns in the building. We don’t want to lose power to them for longer than necessary.