
Lab protocols for the Lowe-Power lab (scroll down for table of contents Readme)

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Bacterial competition assays

Written/Edited by: Tiffany Lowe-Power,

Experimental Design:

Note: This is the protocol where 2 strains are co-inoculated into a condition and allowed to competitively grow. For single-strain inoculations, see the Stem colonization protocol or other assays. This protocol is written for tomoato plant assays, but you could develop in vitro or other in plant assays.

Option 2: Specific time points. This is the ideal option for cut-petiole infections. If you only have enough plants & time for one timepoint, 2 dpi (48 hpi if possible) is ideal. If you have more plants & time, do a time-course at 0, 1, 2, 3 dpi. * At 2 days post inoculation with 1000 cfu, Ralstonia is usually at 10^8-10^9 cfu/g stem.

Follow the petiole or soil soak inoculation protocols and the stem colonization assay protocol for quantifying population size of each strain.

Note: you will have to dilution plate onto agar with each antibiotic.

Tiffany has an example lab notebook entry (word doc plan, excel spreadsheet with data, and GraphPad Prism visualization of the data) for a tomato petiole inoculation at: LPlab > nb-LowePower, Tiff > PI_science > Plant experiments. The files are datestamped with 20210224

To see how to calculate competitive indices, read Yao and Allen 2006. doi: 10.1128/JB.188.10.3697-3708.2006.